Last Tuesday, we had our annual CD's. It was filled with fun, promotions and important information. So here's all that happened in our March CD's.
First off, some important reminders: Summer Training applications are due March 26th! Staff applications are due ASAP! For those applying for Summer Training and are in Phase 2, choose what will interest you; think about the courses you will choose, as the courses expand in your next phase\cadet year. More information is available under the 'Administration' — '2024 Summer Training' section of our website. Good luck!
Now let us get to one of my most favourite parts about CDs: Promotions & Awards:
First up, the following cadets got promoted from Ordinary Cadet to Able Cadet:
AC Ingram
AC Arunkumar
AC Waterfall
AC Campbell
AC Lindstrom
AC Rovskiy

The cadets who got promoted from OC to AC pictured above with Lt(N) Griffin
The following cadets who got promoted from Ordinary Cadet to Leading Cadet:
LC Rojas
LC Garraway, K

The cadets who got promoted from OC to LC pictured above with Lt(N) Griffin
The Cadet of the Month (*Drumroll) was Able Cadet Ingram! To get this award, you need to show extra initiative, respect and be helpful to other Cadets and officers around you.

AC Ingram pictured above with POC2 Marquis & Lt(N) Griffin
We'd like to thank CV D'Aoust for her help in making our corps better, particularly in the Marksmanship team. We wish you the best wherever you go. We will miss you!

CV D'Aoust pictured above shaking hands with Lt(N) Griffin
And that wraps up the March CD's. Congratulations to everyone who got promoted and those who won awards. Stay safe, as we look upon more to come next CD's around.
Writen by: LC Acharya. I
Edited by: Lt(N) Knoop
Photos taken by: LC Acharya. I