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Writer: Ishan AcharyaIshan Acharya

It's been a busy few months, but lets look back to our September Onboard Overnight Training Weekend which was full of fun, food, sports and Marksmanship. It was many new Cadets' first time using a rifle and learning the safety and theory behind operating it. We also stayed overnight in the Legion building next door which was a fun experience, not to mention the video games. Adding to the list was the Biathalon practice that just added the cherry to the top of the cake. So without further or do, here is the full recap of our Onboard Overnight Training Weekend.

(24-09-28) Saturday - 0900 Cadets Arrive

Cadets arrived from 0900 to 0930, about 30 Cadets attended the training weekend in total. They got supplies to stay overnight like sleeping bags, water bottles and extra clothes. Cadets are pictured arriving above for the Onboard Training Weekend. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 0930 Cadets Fall in Their Respective Divisions

Cadets were divided into two divisions, Starboard Division (Left) & Port Division (Right). Cadets are pictured in their divisions above. (24-09-29)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 1000 Lessons Start

The Port and Starboard Division alternated lessons. The lesson above was for the basic parts of a rifle, its operation technique and safety. Lt(N) Knoop is pictured above giving a lesson on Parts and Handing of a Rifile and Basic Marksmanship Tech. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 1045 Hockey!

Cadets were playing hockey. This helped with physical training and team-building activities. POC2 Mehta and MC Le Bars are pictured above playing hockey. (24-09-30)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 1145 Lunch

Cadets ate sandwiches for lunch. Cadets are pictured eating lunch above. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 1245 Lesson

This lesson was about how to wear the Sea Cadet uniform and how to maintain its parts. Cadets from the Port Division are pictured above listening to the lesson taught by LC Arcand, MC Garraway and MC Rojas. (24-09-28).

MC Troy is pictured above trying to tie a Double Windsor knot for a tie. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 1330 Outdoor Activities

Cadets played various games like American football, Cross Canada and tag to name a few, all with the purpose of improving personal fitness and team building. Cadets from the Port Division are pictured above playing American football. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 1600 Marksmanship

Cadets shoot with air rifles at targets, most of them for the first time. It was important to teach them the proper safety, techniques and skills before they shot. Cadets are pictured above shooting with air rifles. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 1715 Supper

Cadets got to eat pasta and garlic bread for supper. MC Acharya. A is pictured above getting his supper. (24-09-24)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 1830 Sports

Cadets played cone-ball, watch the YouTube video coming out soon on the Warspite YouTube channel! Cadets are pictured above playing cone-ball. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 2000 Setup for the Night

Some Cadets helped clean dishes after supper. LC Ingram is pictured above helping to dry dishes. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 2030 Movie and Kye

Cadets got to change to play video games with their friends. LC Rovskiy is pictured above playing video games with other Cadets. (24-09-28)

Cadets also could watch a movie if they wanted along with popcorn and hot chocolate. Cadets are pictured watching a movie. (24-09-28)

(24-09-28) Saturday - 2230 Lights Out

Cadets slept on the first floor of the Legion. They got sleeping bags and pillows. A night shift was there with different phase 3 and senior Cadets as to make sure everybody was sleeping safe and sound. Cadets in the Legion are pictured above. (24-09-28)

(24-09-29) Sunday - 0700 Wakey Wakey

This was the time Cadets woke up. They then changed, put away the sleeping bags and got ready for the day.

(24-09-29) Sunday - 0745 Breakfast

Cadets are pictured above eating breakfast. (24-09-29)

(24-09-29) Sunday - 0900 Biatholan

One of the major parts of the weekend is biathlon. It is when you run 15 laps three times and shoot once at a target twice in between. Personally, this was my first time doing this, and while it was tiring, it sure was fun.

Cadets are pictured running their fifteen laps in front of the ship. (24-09-29)

A Cadet is pictured above firing at a target. (24-09-28)

(24-09-29) Sunday - 1000 10'o'clock Soup

In the Royal Canadian Navy, 10 o'clock soup is a very old tradition. Cadets received soup at this time.

(24-09-29) Sunday - 1130 Drill

Cadets from both divisions are pictured above standing at-easy. (24-09-29)

(24-09-29) Sunday - 1315 Lunch

Cadets are pictured above eating lunch, which was pizza! (24-09-29)

(24-09-29) Sunday -1415 Weekend Awards

POC2 Mehta got the Commanding Officer's Challenge Coin. He got this for his help during the training weekend. Petty Officer 2nd Class Metha is pictured above (right) With Lt(N) Griffin (left) receiving his award. (24-09-29)

Cadet Janzen got the "Tough as Nails Award". Cadet Janzen is pictured above (left) with DCox'n Rainville (left). (24-09-29)

Cadet Rovskiy got an award for "the Best Drill". He was an example Cadet, and he fixed and helped other Cadets with their drill. LC Rovskiy (right) is pictured above with Cox'n Miller (right) receiving his award. (24-09-29)

Cadet Troy got the "Fastest Marksman" award, for being the fastest shooter at the Biatholan practice. MC Troy (left) is pictured above with DCox'n Rainville (right) receiving his award. (24-09-29)

Cadet Ingram got the "Most Participation" award, for participating the most during the training weekend. LC Ingram (right) is pictured with Cox'n Miller (left) receiving his award. (24-09-29)

Cadet Rochon got the "Crackshot" award for her marksmanship skills. Cadet Rochon (right) is pictured above with DCox'n Rainville (left) receiving her award. (24-09-29)

Cadet Paulitzki got the "Dead Eye" award for her marksmanship skills. Cadet Paulitzki (left) is pictured with DCox'n Miller (right) receiving her award. (24-09-29) (Finally, someone is taller than DCox'n Rainville!)

Cadet Proulx got the "Most Participation" award for all of his extra help and initiative during the training weekend. Cadet Proulx (right) is pictured with Cox'n Miller (left) receiving his award along with a yawning CPOC2 Lavigne in the back. (24-09-29)

And that so much as does; wraps up our Onboard Overnight Training Weekend. A lot of food, a lot of drill and sure lot of marksmanship. This training weekend could not have happened without the help of the Navy League, they helped with food, administration and funding for the weekend in the first place! So thanks. I'll be looking forward to even more overnight training nights, especially 'wink, wink' camping coming very soon. Thank you for reading this article, and I'll see you in the next one.

Written by MC Acharya. I

Photos taken by MC Acharya. I

Edited & Approved by Lt(N) Knoop

94 Warspite ~ Kitchener Sea Cadets


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